[Note: The numbers in parenthesis refer to paragraph numbers
in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Ignatius Press,
Ever since man first sinned before our holy and righteous God,
he has been trying to cover his guilt and become acceptable to God
through his own effort. Adam and Eve attempted to cover their sin by
sewing fig leaves together. However God demonstrated to them that sin
could never be covered by the works of man. Innocent blood had to be
shed. Only by the taking of another life could their sin be covered
(Genesis 3:7, 21). This act of God’s mercy toward Adam and Eve
foreshadowed the shedding of His Son’s blood for the forgiveness of sin
for all who believe, "for without the shedding of blood there is no
forgiveness" (Hebrew 9:22).
Adam and Eve’s futile attempt to become righteous before God
by the works of their hands was indeed the first religious act by man.
Since then, thousands of religions have sprung up, each creating their
own worthless set of rules and rituals designed to gain acceptance
before God nor appease His wrath against sinners. Religious work can
never earn acceptance from God. Jesus said it is impossible for man to
save himself (Luke 18:24-27). There is absolutely nothing man can do to
make peace with God. Only when we realize our hopeless condition can we
begin to understand the good news—what is impossible for man is possible
with God. Sinners must cease from trusting in what they do for God and
put all their confidence and trust in what God has done for them through
Jesus Christ.
Jesus died as a substitute for sinners, to pay the debt that
we could never pay. The debt for sin is death. Finite man can never
finish paying the debt because spiritual death is eternal. The
punishment for sin is the eternal lake of fire (Rev. 20:14). But what a
Savior we have in Christ Jesus! "He Himself bore our sins in His body
on the tree" (1 Peter 2:24). "He was pierced through for our
transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for
our well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed"
(Isaiah 53:5). "By one offering He has perfected for all time
those who are sanctified" (Hebrews 10:14). The work of man’s
redemption is finished. It is a finished transaction. He died for
sins, once for all, to bring us to God (1 Peter 3:18). The eternal
debt for sin has been paid in full for all who will trust in Jesus
Christ alone. He has forgiven all our sins (Colossians 1:14).
Catholic teachings and traditions deny the perfect, sufficient and
finished sacrifice of Jesus. As a result many Catholics go to their
grave trusting in their religious rituals and traditions rather than
Jesus Christ.
Most Catholics know that nothing impure will ever enter into
heaven (Rev. 21:27). However they are taught the purification of sins
takes place in the fires of purgatory. "All who die in God’s grace and
friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their
eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so as to
achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven" (1030). Yet
the Bible reveals Christ is our only hope because perfect righteousness
is necessary for entry into God’s Kingdom. "Christ is the end of the
Law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes"
(Rom. 10:4). He became sin for us so, in Him, we could become the
righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). Many Catholics have a
zeal for God but it is not based on biblical knowledge. As a result they
seek to obtain their own righteousness rather than receiving the
righteousness of God that comes through faith in His Son.
The Roman Catholic teaching of purgatory is an absolute denial
of what Christ accomplished on the cross—the purification of sins. The
writer of the book of Hebrews speaks of Jesus when he declares "after
He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of
the Majesty in Heaven" (Hebrews 1:3). The apostle John also
proclaimed that those who trust Christ are purified from all sin, by His
blood (1 John 1:7). There are no residual sins that must be purged in
purgatory. God will never count sins against those who have been
reconciled to Him through Christ (2 Cor. 5:19). Yet Rome
declares, "every sin, even venial, entails an unhealthy attachment to
creatures, which must be purified either here on earth, or after death
in the state called Purgatory" (1472). Catholic priests cannot tell
Catholics how long they must suffer in purgatory but "through
indulgences the faithful can obtain the remission of temporal punishment
resulting from sin for themselves and also for the souls in Purgatory"
(1498). "In this way they attained their own salvation and at the same
time cooperated in saving their brothers in the unity of the Mystical
Body" (1477). God’s Word strongly rebukes this heresy. "No man can by
any means redeem his brother, or give to God a ransom for him—For the
redemption of his soul is costly, and he should cease trying forever
(Psalm 49:7-8). How disheartening it is for those who love our
gracious Savior, to see His sin-purging sacrifice erased by Rome, and
replaced with the deception of purgatory.
No one would be foolish enough to copy a $100 bill and trust
it to have purchasing power. Yet Catholics trust in the Mass, a
blasphemous copy of Calvary’s sacrifice, as a sin offering to God. Rome
teaches, "The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are
one single sacrifice: The victim is one and the same the same...Christ
who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is
contained and is offered in an unbloody manner" (1367). The Eucharistic
sacrifice is also offered for the faithful departed who "have died in
Christ but are not yet wholly purified" (1371). Every time this mystery
is celebrated, "the work of our redemption is carried on" (1405). Rather
than trusting in the one-time, sufficient, sacrifice of Christ,
Catholics continue to immolate Jesus on their altars every day. When
Catholic priests offer the sacrifice of the Mass, they are acting as if
Jesus really meant "It must now continue" when He said, "It is
finished" (John 19:30).
Jesus appeared "to take away sins once for all" by His
sacrifice (Hebrews 9:26). "Through His blood God made Him the means
of expiation (of sin) for all who believe" (Romans 3:25). The very
reason and purpose Christ became man and suffered such an excruciating
death was to expiate sin, once and for all, by His perfect sacrifice.
Yet Rome denies this by telling Catholics their sins can be expiated in
purgatory (1475). What a terrible deception this is! How tragic for
zealous Roman Catholics who are looking to their church for the truth!
How can any church, which lifts up the name of Christ, withhold this
wonderful truth from its people? Not only does the Vatican withhold the
truth, it creates, in its place, numerous doctrines that deny the
Savior’s finished work?
Catholics are taught that the only way to make peace with God
is through a life long journey of works—receiving the sacraments, going
to Mass and doing penance. Yet, the only way anyone can be reconciled to
God is by faith. We must put our trust in Christ and cease from trusting
in anything else. Therefore having been justified by faith, we have
peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:1). Our faith
must be in Christ alone because He provided the only way for sinful man
to be saved (Acts 4:12). He gave His life as a ransom for many
(Matthew 20:28). He gave Himself up for us as a sacrifice to God
(Ephesians 5:2).
Those who earnestly seek the truth about salvation will listen
to the words of Jesus because He testified to the truth, He is the truth
and His word is truth (John 14:6, 17:17, 18:37). The reason so many
people are deceived is because they trust their religious leaders rather
than Christ and His word. Christ is the only mediator we can trust.
Anytime we allow others to come between us and God we leave ourselves
wide open to deception. Why would anyone risk spending eternity in hell
by trusting man and his teachings over Christ and His Word? The
Scriptures are able to give us the wisdom that leads to salvation
through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by
God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for
training in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:15-16).